Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Student life: Clubs, new and old, cater to a wide range of interests

SAIS Europe students expand their horizons in a variety of ways: in the classroom, through the seminar series, in their interactions with each other and the city of Bologna -- and through the range of clubs they form every year. Some clubs are hardy perennials; others sprout out of the convergence of interests in a particular class. Below Student Affairs assistant Kia Guarino writes about this year's clubs.

Impact investment. Movies. Public speaking. Gender equality.

The rush to sign up
This year's SAIS Europe students have organized 30 clubs reflecting expansive interests and a shared drive for knowledge.

Virtually the entire student body flocked to the annual Club Fair earlier this month to sign up for activities that range from the tried and tested -- the Gastronomica Club, for example -- to the fresh and innovative.

"I was overwhelmed and excited by the variety of choices and the enthusiasm displayed by the students both representing and interested in these clubs," said Holly Deaton, a Conflict Management concentrator.

Simon Ilzhoefer in lederhosen
for the German Club
IDEV concentrator Nick Van Vliet has launched A Day In The Life Club, which will put students in touch with alumni who are working on relevant and exciting projects, and who will share information on their career paths.

Another career-minded club is The ERE Club, whose activities will include trips to companies such as a solar plant in Italy. The longstanding Careers in Development Club will work with counterparts in Washington, DC, and with alumni networks and Career Services to facilitate career-orientated discussions and events.

More than 85 students signed up for the Gastronomica Club. The Chinese Cultural Club promised dumpling-cooking and Chinese lessons. The WWII History Club tapped into a wellspring of interest in that period.

Club founders will now contact interested students and organize meetings, discussions and events. Clubs will then register with the Student Government Association and will be able to submit proposals for event funding throughout the year.

Kia Guarino (BC14/DC15)