Thursday, 17 October 2013

Look who's coming to SAIS this month

Consider some of the speakers appearing at SAIS in October:
  • India's central bank governor
  • Turkey's deputy prime minister
  • Tunisia's finance minister
  • China's ambassador to the U.S.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, former U.S. national security adviser and SAIS senior research professor, will be joined by Madeleine Albright, Robert Gates, Stephen Hadley and Brent Scowcroft at a forum on national security set for October 22 at SAIS DC.

Here are some of the topics addressed by speakers in DC and Bologna during October:
  • the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
  • the U.S. in the Persian Gulf
  • the state of journalism in the world
  • the global politics of water
  • the crisis in the euro area
  • transatlantic trade and investment
  • African perspectives toward Chinese and U.S. engagement
  • the global revolution in natural gas
  • the 2015 elections in Burundi
  • Central Asia as an emerging multipolar system
  • the Basque country and the Atlantic basin
  • Azerbaijani monetary policy
  • Islamic law
  • Australia's energy future
When SAIS says its students have access to policymakers and experts tackling the full range of issues facing the world, it means it.

The October 22 event with Zbigniew Brzezinski is open to SAIS students, faculty, staff and invited guests. SAIS will host a live webcast of the event, which starts at 4 pm U.S. Eastern time (2000 GMT). To connect to the webcast, click here.

Here are calendars of SAIS events:
Nelson Graves