What do our alumni miss most about their year in Bologna?
For eight weeks, SAIS Bologna's website has been a repository of alumni memories.
Flexing our social media muscles, we asked alumni to answer the question: "What do you miss most about your year in Bologna?"
The result has been a river of postings by several dozen alumni. Below you will see some of the photographs that were submitted to the competition, which ended yesterday, October 17.
In an August post published just before the competition started, I wrote about how for many alumni, SAIS Bologna is an intimate academic community.
Before turning to the photographs, let me exercise a bit of editorial prerogative and call your attention to a touching piece by Patti Bonnet, who attended SAIS Bologna in 1992-93. You might find her reminisces unusual, but I'm sure you will admire her skillful way with words and read her tale until the end.
My technological talents are not up to the task of posting two other items you might like to view: an offering by Fabiana Papaianni capturing her class's fifth year reunion, and a slideshow by Tom Tesluk with images of the city accompanied by the haunting sound of church bells.
I've also taken the liberty of including a slideshow of photographs that I submitted. Auteur oblige.