This new dual degree agreement gives me a chance to remind our readers of a couple of important things.
First, if a candidate is admitted to SAIS Bologna as a master's student, they are automatically admitted to SAIS DC for a second year provided they perform satisfactorily in Bologna. Some of our candidates have asked whether they have been admitted to SAIS DC or not, and whether they would have to apply to Washington from Bologna. The answer is that SAIS Bologna students do not have to apply for Washington.
Most of the Bologna Center students do a second year in Washington and at the end receive a Master's of Arts in International Relations.
This does not apply to MIPP candidates, of course, as they are enrolled for only one year and choose either the DC or the Bologna campus.
Alternatively, SAIS Bologna students may decide to purse an MAIA -- or a Master's of Arts in International Affairs. This is a two-year program with a thesis in the second year and 14 required course credits over the two years instead of 16.
A few students stay in Bologna for two years and receive an MAIA. The MAIA is also offered as part of our dual-degree programs with the Università di Bologna (both the Bologna and Forlì campuses), and with the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna. So a student can do one year at one of those universities and a second year at SAIS Bologna and receive two degrees.
We also have an agreement with Sabancı University in Istanbul. A SAIS Bologna student can do a first year in Bologna and a second year at Sabancı, and receive the Bologna Center diploma and a master's from Sabancı. This path could be interesting for someone who wants both exposure to a U.S.-style graduate program with an international perspective and the chance to study in Turkey, which is playing an increasingly important regional and international role.
Many of you know that SAIS has a range of dual-degree programs with U.S. universities. Students can receive a master's from SAIS as well as a business degree from Wharton or Tuck; a public health degree from Johns Hopkins; a juris doctorate degree from Stanford or the University of Virginia; or a public administration degree from Syracuse University.
A student can study at SAIS Bologna and also participate in one of these dual degree programs. Keep in mind that one must apply to both SAIS and the other institution separately to be enrolled.
For more information on these dual-degree options, click here.
As SAIS Dean Jessica Einhorn said: "We are confident that, with INSEAD as our partner, the students who pursue dual degrees will find that the whole is greater than the sum of such excellent parts, and doors will open for superb careers of international engagement.”
If anyone has any questions on these various options -- which together open up a wide range of career options -- please send them along.
Nelson Graves