Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Student life: Jocularity for a good cause

Every year SAIS Bologna students showcase their talents during a whimsical evening in support of a worthy cause.

Participants building a human pyramid
Earlier this month 11 students took to the stage at the annual "Mr. and Ms. SAIS" competition to raise money for the Bologna Center journal. Students then bid for an array of donated items --  from a poker night with faculty to a leisurely, terrace-top dinner -- with the proceeds going to the student-run Bologna Center Journal of International Affairs (BCJIA).

Intrepid participants performed Police's "I'll Be Watching You" on cello, the "Star Wars" theme on French Horn, a serenade for Professor Taddei (who was giving a midterm exam on Monday and also happened to be a judge at the event), stand-up comedy, martial arts, poetry, operatic singing and Irish and salsa dancing.

The Winners
Contestants competed in a fashion show dress-off; there was quiz drawing on international themes. Then Felix Neugebauer (cellist) and Madeleine Schnur (serender) were crowned Mr. and Ms. SAIS by the panel of judges.

The auction raised more than 3,000 euros for the BCJIA, which each year publishes papers from leading scholars, international practitioners and graduate students.

Snapped up from the auction block were ginger biscotti, a scooter tour of Rome, library late slips, driving lessons and the annual ride in a sports car to the San Luca basilica overlooking Bologna.

Leslie Yun (BC13)