Wednesday, 13 April 2011

A glimpse of the SAIS DC Open House

Today was Open House at SAIS Washington for students who have been admitted to the 2011-12 academic year.

Some of those who have been admitted to next year's program at the Bologna Center were able to attend. But by no means all. So I have filmed a bit of today's event. It is anything but comprehensive. Nonetheless, we thought it would give those who were not able to attend, and also those who might be considering applying for 2012-13, a taste of the event.

A reminder: the Bologna Center Open House is set for May 5&6 in Bologna. We'll be circulating a detailed program in a day or so to admitted candidates. But please mark that on your calendar if there is any chance of your making it. It is a great way to learn more about SAIS Bologna.

Nelson Graves