Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Joint and Cooperative Degrees: Extending your horizon

SAIS's curriculum is deep and broad. There's plenty of bread on the carving board, as the French would say, in both Bologna and Washington.

The curriculum in fact extends well beyond SAIS's walls. Students can pick from an array of joint degrees and cooperative programs.

Aula Magna, University of Bologna
(courtesy of the university)
Master's candidates at SAIS can apply to receive a degree from both SAIS and the following programs:
  • MBA at Wharton
  • MBA at Tuck (Dartmouth)
  • J.D. at Stanford
  • J.D. at University of Virginia
  • Master of Health at Johns Hopkins's Bloomberg School
  • Master of Public Administration at Syracuse University

For more information, click here.

Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
(photo by Peter Burgstaller)
In addition, the Bologna Center offers cooperative programs with the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, the University of Bologna and the University of Bologna-Forli'. A cooperative program with Sabancı University in Istanbul is also available.

University of Bologna-Forli'
(courtesy of university website)
These programs permit reciprocal recognition of work done at the other university, so that qualifying students can earn two master's. For more information, click here.

A word of caution: These joint and cooperative programs have quite specific admissions and graduation requirements, so it's best to read up on them carefully.

But they offer a whole spectrum of opportunities that sets SAIS apart.

Sabancı University
(courtesy of university website)