Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Weekly quiz!

It's that time of the week. Time to take a short break from thinking of statements of purpose, letters of recommendation, transcripts and economics prerequisites. Here is our second weekly quiz. The winner gets his or her name in lights on this very blog. Here we go:

Who is the Director of the SAIS Bologna Center and in which field did he receive his Ph.D?

Here is a hint -- this is a picture of our Director some years ago:

Who is this man and what did he study?
(photo courtesy of U. of Minnesota)
You can send in your answer by commenting on this blog entry or by sending an email to admissions@jhubc.it.

Reminder: the winner of our first weekly quiz was Ilektra of Athens. And Anonymous won the extra credit. (Anonymous -- please come forward.)

Tomorrow: a photo gallery by SAIS Bologna students showing Bologna and the Bologna Center

Nelson Graves