What do SAIS students do after they graduate?
Here's a report on the types of jobs last year's SAIS graduates landed after they had finished their studies.
You might be struck by the range of sectors and the geographic spread. Consulting, banking, energy, government, diplomacy, international development, think tanks, multilateral organizations. All inhabited continents of the world.
"SAIS is renowned for its emphasis on international economics, regional and functional studies, and foreign languages, making our graduates valued commodities in the public, private and nonprofit sectors," Ronald Lambert, director of Career Services, says in the report.
On top of the academic and language courses, SAIS offers professional skills courses in accounting, finance, corporate valuation, financial modeling, public speaking, business writing, leadership, consulting skills, negotiations, Excel and STATA.
SAIS's more than 16,000 alumni form a valuable network for learning about careers and opportunities. Yesterday, SAIS Bologna student Katerina Lovtchinova wrote about how SAIS Bologna alumni helped make a recent trip to Brussels, organized by Career Services, a success. SAIS students visit cities such as New York, London, Geneva, Hong Kong and Beijing every year.
Most SAIS students participate in summer internships between their first and second years, and nearly half do so during their second year of study.
Every fall SAIS hosts a career fair that attracts a large number of employers. And students participate in a variety of sector-specific career clubs that range from development to defence and intelligence.
Noting that many countries and regions faced unprecedented challenges in 2012, the report concludes: "From the fiscal crisis in Europe to ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, SAIS graduates have been involved and have contributed in significant ways, whether the issues involved global economics, refugee relief efforts or exploring ways to develop renewable energy resources."
Nelson Graves
Here's a report on the types of jobs last year's SAIS graduates landed after they had finished their studies.
You might be struck by the range of sectors and the geographic spread. Consulting, banking, energy, government, diplomacy, international development, think tanks, multilateral organizations. All inhabited continents of the world.
To read the report, click here |
"SAIS is renowned for its emphasis on international economics, regional and functional studies, and foreign languages, making our graduates valued commodities in the public, private and nonprofit sectors," Ronald Lambert, director of Career Services, says in the report.
Ronald Lambert |
SAIS's more than 16,000 alumni form a valuable network for learning about careers and opportunities. Yesterday, SAIS Bologna student Katerina Lovtchinova wrote about how SAIS Bologna alumni helped make a recent trip to Brussels, organized by Career Services, a success. SAIS students visit cities such as New York, London, Geneva, Hong Kong and Beijing every year.
Most SAIS students participate in summer internships between their first and second years, and nearly half do so during their second year of study.
Every fall SAIS hosts a career fair that attracts a large number of employers. And students participate in a variety of sector-specific career clubs that range from development to defence and intelligence.
Noting that many countries and regions faced unprecedented challenges in 2012, the report concludes: "From the fiscal crisis in Europe to ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, SAIS graduates have been involved and have contributed in significant ways, whether the issues involved global economics, refugee relief efforts or exploring ways to develop renewable energy resources."
Nelson Graves